Sunday, June 15, 2014

Some Wars Never End

As Russia reasserts control over its southern neighbors Germany and Japan have been quietly amassing power over their continents under the guise of investment and economic integration. 

German Chancellor  Merkle has literally imposed a New Order on the European Union now that France's fiscal pants are down. With England using the channel and its own currency to protect its sovereignty from the German bizkreig, smaller European countries have been abandoned and are slowly strangling in Deutschland's octopus grip.

Known now as Mercules or "The Fuhrera" Merkel follows the American Marshall Plan of conquest providing "aid" to its struggling EU partners in the form of addictive cheap credit until the spineless governments put their spoiled citizenry's future in German pockets.

You need the strongest army in the world if you want to hang the Black, Red and Gold or Swastika all over Europe and the world but America gets in everywhere with the Golden Arches and Coke's swirly band and all the armies in the world can't get rid of them.

Merk the Herc dismissed genocide as immoral and unnecessary and simply demanded that all of Germany's immigrants act like Germans. Now Mercules is demanding that all of Europe act like Germans. Why squeeze the trigger when you can just pull the purse strings?

There must be something in Japan's sushi. In a nation where more people are in retirement than school and the military are mostly tour guides and chaperones to the Americans who actually protect and guard them you don't go around arguing with a country ten times your size who you treated like a rented whore in recent memory.

You want to fight for those islands? Against a regime that has more soldiers than it knows what to do with and hates your guts? You know what China needs? An enemy. A foreign enemy. They can't hate the United States. At least not while they are becoming the United States. China has money now and when countries get money they need a war to finance. Just look at us.

And Japan doesn't stop with their island grab on China. The Rising Sun has been claiming islands that belong to South Korea and Russia as well. Japan has readopted their former militarist dictator Tojo's axiom: If it is surrounded by water it is Japan's.

Wonder if that still goes for the Philippines, Australia and Hawaii? 

Since Obama has declared that the only cop on the world beat has retired we'll see how long liberals and Tea Party isolationists can keep us (U.S.) out of the fun.

Don Arrup

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