Saturday, January 17, 2015

Say As Do I

President Francois Hollande of France

How can these extremists possibly justify their violent tactics against their fellow countrymen just because they don't like what they draw? France is a democracy and we welcome people from our former colonies to become full French citizens but they must respect other's religion and culture.

Can't they see that when their daughter goes to school with a scarf on her head that she is oppressing me? She is urinating on my parents and grand parents graves going back generations- all the way back to our glorious revolution when the people- all the people- could for the first time express themselves freely and all disagreements were settled peacefully and amicably by the guillotine. 

The nun, the Catholic nun teaching in Catholic schools, might wear a habit and this covers her head- but she is married to God. I- we- the French people can't tell God's wife how she can dress. Even God won't go there. God likes to live in Heaven but if he starts telling all his wives what to wear they will raise Hell so where is God going to hang out?

This Muslim French girl in school with a scarf on her head. I can't concentrate. I can not run the country. I feel every time her head moves. Right, left, up, down. It does not matter. It is like her head becomes an eraser and she is erasing France. Wiping us off the map. Out of history. Out of our very memory. It is like Caesar did not stop long enough to take a piss between Spain and the British Isles.

We don't shoot the Muslim French girl. That would barbaric. That would not be French. We cut off her head. Leave the scarf on. It does not offend us if the head is off because the head off is French. This is patriotism. This is the French way. If her head could still talk it would say Je Suis Charlie Hebdo.

Don Arrup

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