So we now have less than half the beds available for mental illness patients than we did in the 1950's when we had half the population and even young horn dogs pulled their pants up over their butts. Obama wants to deputize the Girl Scouts to collect all automatic and semi-automatic guns at the point of their berets. Semi-automatic guns being defined as anything developed after the blunderbuss. The NRA prefers arming the student body of grade schools and shooting anyone who's received a prescription for sleeping pills.
Who needs guns anyway? They now tell us that our anti-bacterial soup is not only totally ineffective against cold and flu viruses but the only bacteria it seems to threaten is the user. So if a robber kicks in your door at night offer them a bath. Even if it doesn't kill them right away you're contributing to public hygiene.
Does a hermit wipe his ass after a dump? How the hell should I know? They put more perfume and lotion in toilet paper than you'll find on an octogenarian escort. I see clean shaven hobos while half the guys working in the banks look like John Brown.
The only thing the UnAffordable Care Act has managed so far is making millions of people sick with frustration and worry. The Republicans have been sick over it since it was passed but haven't found any remedy. Just let the illness run its course and you should be feeling better in time to croak.
Don Arrup