Sunday, April 21, 2013

Ronald McDonald RIP

McDonald's Corporation owner and CEO Ronald McDonald died today after falling into the world's largest meat grinder at his original plant in San Bernardino, California. For over fifty years McDonald steered his franchise corporation from a one burger roadside shack to the world's largest fat food purveyor.

With his meat red hair, yellow overalls worn over a red and white striped union suit and impossibly endowed dogs, the Hamburger Happy Clown is the most recognizable public figure in the world, second to only Santa Claus. Not satisfied with decimating the health of North Americans McDonald morphed his image to fool countries around the world that he was a native calling himself McThai in Thailand and Donald McDonald in the letter R deprived Japan. 

As founder and President of the country's leading higher education institution, Hamburger University (est. 1961), McDonald has trained the core managerial class in the United States where it is estimated that one in eight of the nation's workers had slaved at one point in their careers under the Golden Arches. 

News of his death does not mean that the familiar figure will necessarily disappear from sight. The Federal Trade Commission and FBI have issued warnings of impostors posing as McDonald. Anyone seeing or being confronted by an excessively powdered red headed mug with widely missed lipstick gang banging with ambulatory fast food items should contact the authorities immediately.

In the event the victim is without oxygen or cell phone the Federal Bureau of Investigation asks able bodied citizens to confront the impostors and tell them:

Hey buddy, the clown is dead.

Don Arrup

Sunday, April 14, 2013


President Obama signed the Federal Aviation Administration clearance to use drones for commercial purposes in 2015 and has asked Congress to create rules for their use as if that body can get anything done. 

Drone manufacturers are considering what markets to target with their current observation/annihilation military models. 

Truancy Drone-used by high schools to locate absent students
Philandering Drone- reads license plates outside bars and motels
Teen Drone-make out spots and drug corners observed
Hit Drone-Mafia model to be sold at gun shows
Parking Spot Drone-ever bring your car to Manhattan?
Bikini Drone-beach birdwatchers search for best filled swimsuits
Hippo Drone-Ice cream vendor's positioning in park near most obese park goers
Bone Drone-archeologists and extreme necrophiliacs
Relief Drone- restroom locator on Interstate highways

Don Arrup

Friday, April 12, 2013

Funny Cello Handbag

Maggie Thatch
Handbag trashed
Eric Von Zipper
Leader of Mice and Rats
Pajama Party Parliament

First donned Disney's ears
While sprouting through her sweater
Busting out for business 
And British independence

But the Mice and Rats
Couldn't have that
Get her in bed with Europe
And slip the Euro in

No, No, No
Confluence is sin
Don't let them in
To our pockets
Our pants
Our regulatory dance

If Fascists take the Falklands
Frankie is in the Naval Reserve
If Saddam takes Kuwait
Ronnie's butler has shown nerve

 So what if Annette Funicello
And Mararet Thatcher 
Were not the same woman
They died Monday
And I'll miss them

Don Arrup

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Late Spring Blues

Yeah it's warmer but that wind
That's March shit in April
And it's not as if it hasn't rained
Everyday you have to be out all day
Never misses

Even the birds are pissed off
Still marking their patch
It's all stay the hell away
No love songs
I can tell you

And half these birds are just bitching
No nest
No yard
No mate
Just hate

And I don't blame them

Half the daffodils haven't popped
Maybe one in a patch looks strong
The others just look like they made a bad mistake

For two sunny days women had their legs out there
Like a hundred years ago
Before Easter

Like jackasses we were longing for the Equinox
Yeah, winter part two

Don Arrup

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


As the United States of America continues its remarkable decline into the Third World with seventy percent of its population continuing their four decade slide into inevitable poverty, the smart money in Washington is looking for models for how a nuclear power with a tremendous military but an economy that no longer provides social mobility or even affordable health care might proceed into the twenty-first century.

Satire1 interviewed several leading politicians and think tank analysts on the issue:

Ebert Poinzhopper, American Enterprise Institute
"North Korea definitely seems to be the way for America to go. Even with a two party system  I think America is capable of sustaining the blind fanaticism, intransigence and total disregard of reality that it has for the last two decades. And this ability of being able to change leaders and parties in power without disturbing the unsustainable status quo I'm sure has the North Koreans quite jealous."

Senator Bullright
"Though I doubt Americans will continue to accept the dollar for the exchange of goods much longer, we certainly can force other countries to eat our paper under the threat of nuclear annihilation."

Vice President Biden
"Oh, we already are North Korea. No doubt about that. And I like the fat kid's haircut."

Hornbone Potz, Brookings Institution
"I don't think Korea is as divided as the United States. Up until last week the two sides actually still had some line of communication."

Big Brain Brian, Cato Institution
"Our threats to Syria and Iran are too empty to compare to the DPRK's muscular belligerence but our total dependence on China compares well."

Lizbeth Tawk, Rand Corporation
"I don't think we're capable at this time of becoming North Korea. They have much better television than ours. And other than Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade we're terrible at public spectacle. We are catching up on their total disregard for the plight of the average citizen though. Encouraging."

Don Arrup

Satire1 celebrates its fifth anniversary with this post.