Sunday, June 30, 2019

Trump's Two Hats

President Trump announced at the G20 meeting in Meatneeva that he was throwing his hat in the ring for the nomination for President of the United States of the Democratic Party. Citing poor and unrealistic rhetoric dominating both nights of the Democratic candidate debates, President Trump decided that the American people deserved a real choice rather than a straw (wo)man candidate to draw donations for the failed party’s coffers.

“The Russians could put up a better candidate to spar with me. Even the North Koreans could find a Mexican Muslim mother of ten who was born on another planet like Hawaii or Massachusetts- which really is just a suburb of Canada, it really is. I’ve been there. You can buy a family’s first born for a hot dog there. I’m not exaggerating.”

“I watched the first night of the donkey debates because basketball is over and the Yankees win all the time so I thought what the hell. Maybe some of these donkeys will have an idea. I’ll consider any good idea. Even a good idea that comes from a donkey. But it was the same old same old old old old. They didn’t even dress it up with any new terms. Like progressive instead of liberal. Or Socialist instead of Communist.”

“Pocahontas said she has ideas. She has policies. Plans to fix things that don’t need to be fixed. She looked like she couldn’t dress herself but I liked the purple. Balls to the Stonewall. I think Elizabeth Warren is a man. I think we’re being sold a bill of goods. She’s kind of cute. I never said she wasn’t cute. And she is free to dress like a woman if she wants. It’s a free country. At least as long as I’m president. The United States of American is great again. And free.”

Is Poco Ho Ho married? Trans benders can get married too. I have nothing against ho marriage. It’s a free country. Take all my money and spend it on whoever can cross the river with a baby. Take my doctor. Take my job. Take my life. The welcome mat is down. Come here and we’ll put you in the front of the line for livers and lungs and hearts. Ahead of hard working Americans who paid into the dream all their life. Just come one and all and take our future. Every donkey raised their hoof. Just get here and we’ll take care of you.”

“Just break into my house and I’ll make you family.”

“Nobody is going to vote for these people. I’ll have nobody to run against. The donkeys will be crying for the next four years that the big bad Democratic machine put up another sure loser and they were robbed of choice. But I’m going to give Democrats a choice. I used to be a Democrat and I can be one again if I win as a Democrat.”

“I don’t care what party I represent. I always represent myself. I am always Donald Trump. You hated me for the last three years? Now your enemies can hate me for the next four. Think of the time and money and money and money we could save if the best president in the history of this country just ran against himself. Billions. Maybe even trillions over the now endless campaign cycle.”

“It’s not the donkeys fault they can’t find anyone to run against me. Nobody ever could beat me and nobody ever will. Death, the Grim Reaper herself, came to Margo A Go Go last time I was there. I was sharing a Cuban sandwich and Diet Coke with a new bikini and Reapie brought down her scythe right between my shoulder blades- ruined a perfectly tailored silk dress shirt I’d only worn twice- and through my heart.” 

“Skipped a beat. I don’t skip breakfast. I don’t skip dessert ever except during the occasional Fifth Avenue famine. But my heart skipped a beat. It was torn clean in half. I turned to the Reaper and told her she was an illegal alien. I told her to get out of here. Go back to the Rio Styx or Grande wherever she was holed up. You have no business here.”

“And the donkeys want to get rid of ICE! That’s assassination by association, you know. Treason.  They are trying to get rid of the American people’s and Putin’s and Xi Jinping’s and Zuckerboard’s choice for President.”

“I gave my physician a ring. Before the donkeys draft him to the border to take care of all the un-Americans. Took two aspirins like he told me and I’m fine. Never felt better.”

Don Arrup

Friday, June 21, 2019

Not My Hat In The Ring

From the almost daily announcements from Democratic politicians to the Starbucks billionaire everyone and their mother is running against Trump. So great the throng that Satire1 thought it easier to interview the few who have decided to leave that office to the maniacs who deserve it.

Abe Lincoln
The country was actually a lot less divisive when I was president but then the menfolk had a chance to let off a little steam by killing each other and wearing uniforms. We did finally settle the peculiar institution problem but I just don’t have another intractable generational fight left in me even if I was alive. Besides, I’m a Republican.

Popeye the Sailor Man
Trump’s just a blond Bluto. But no matters what the press do they just play right into his shoes.

I was an undocumented immigrant not only not born in the United States but not born on Earth but President Trump offered sanctuary to all the white people in the universe from planets that exploded. So, besides not being eligible, I’m not interested.

Harriet Tubman
I thought maybe I should run since they ain’t putting me on the twenty dollar bill again. I’d be the only former slave in the race. All the others- the politicians- are still slaves, body, soul and mind, to big donors, big boners and special interests. And they ain’t even trying to be free. They love their chains. Wear their shackles like jewelry! Might be interesting to see if a truly free citizen can actually be elected to high office.

Scarlet O’Hara
I could never leave Tara and the Atlanta area for that swamp in the District of Columbia. Ever since General Sherman came to call I been praying for that Yankee bastion to burn down. Besides, I think Rhett is retired in nearby Baltimore.

The Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow
Everybody loses their head when they become president so I wouldn’t really be anything new and I think the American people are looking for change. 

Jack O’Lantern
About time we had a member of the squash family running (things) and we’re real big on vegetation rights and climate change but even though I have the name recognition I’m just not the gourd for the job.

I’m older than Biden and the Commandments are the only legislation I would sign. That, and though I could part the red states I don’t see further division in either party as being helpful to the country at this time. 

Wicked Witch of the Midwest
I would be the Green candidate and I’m all for women’s rights and equal protection for minorities and the undead but I can’t cook anything in my cauldron that can cast a spell stronger than Trump put on his supporters.

Scooby Doo
Rots of ruck beating Rump, Ropeye.

I would like to take on Elizabeth Warren but Great White Chief Pompadour doesn’t care who he tomahawks. I’ll sit this one out.

Don Arrup

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Mueller Testimony

Robert Mueller at the House Stupidity Committee hearing. He taps the mike. 

Is this on? For my opening statement I would just like to curse the United States House of Representatives Committee on Intelligence for subpoenaing me to testify and answer questions about a job I couldn’t be more done with. And in response to every question you intend to ask me I have one answer which is correct to the best of my knowledge and that answer is Eat Me. So, in closing, before I go the F home I have nothing more to say and I’m not coming back.

Representative Alfonso Gaethers (D-NY)
Mr. Mueller, when you were still special, did you have any doubt that President Donald Trump was using his office to promote himself, his career, his business, his family and his ego?

You have just defined the office of the presidency in how it actually functions better than the Constitution ever could.

Rep Gaethers
So you had no doubt that he was using the office strictly for self aggrandizement?

Eat me.

No further questions.

Rep Amanda Whipsnatch (R-NH)
Former Special Mueller, did you come across any evidence that Donald Trump participated in the massacre at Tiananmen Square thirty years ago?

Not direct evidence but many witnesses, business associates and reporters had seen him frequenting Chinese restaurants and at times even ordering in Chinese food while the students were in peril.

Was ordering in Chinese takeout legal in the state of New York at that time?

1989? Yes. This was, of course, before Mr. Trump placed tariffs on Chinese takeout.

How would you describe President Trump’s relationship with Xi Jing Ping?

XJP is literal about President Trump but not serious. President Trump is serious about Mr. Ping but not literal.

So it’s kind of like a second or third date with them?

Eat me.

Representative Amelia Pony-Exeter (D-CA)
When you were still Special did you find any evidence that the president grabbed Vladimir Putin’s crotch?

No, but the President did grab mine.

Did you interpret it as sexual harassment or obstruction of justice?

Eat me.

Representative Phineas Probe (R-MO)
How much did your investigation cost the American taxpayer?

With the fines, acquisitions and forfeitures we might have broken even.

Would you care to elaborate on that?

Certainly, Congressman. I checked with our liaison with the Justice Department’s accountancy department last week and he said Eat me.

Representative Olivia Semen Egress (D-MD)
Mr. Mueller, I have a long list of questions which I hope will clarify to the American people just what sorcery and Voodoo has been used on them for the past two years.

Well, I hope you find me delicious, Congresswoman.

Oh, I do.

eat me

Don Arrup