One Year Exemptions
Suffers of CFLS (chronically feel like shit) can keep their plans or go without for another year since nothing seems to help.
People afflicted with WITAM (Why is it always me?) can whine about something else for a year.
Someone with your last name died this year. (Requires picture of dated gravestone or obit)
Still paying off flat screen TV or upgrade of content provider. (Copy of bill)
Spouse withholding oral sex. (Believe me, we understand)
You meet Federal requirements for Medicaid but the state in which you reside is still fighting the Civil War.
ISIS or ISIL has overrun your neighborhood. (Include video of local beheadings with application)
You have been quarantined for Ebola.
Three year Extensions
Zombies without full time employment
Vampires with legal residence
Brain and other major organ transplant patients (Frankensteins)
Don Arrup