Satire1 spent the weekend talking to marching women, prancing men and sugar drunk children about what might concern them about the new Administration.
“The first executive order Trump signed allows the federal government to enslave any non-citizen while the IRS is intercepting remittances and redirecting the funds to the South Border wall to be built by the newly enslaved.”
“Trump wears low rise bell bottomed jeans when he’s alone with family in his tower.”
“The new president is brokering a grand bargain in the North Carolina trans bathroom rights controversy. Complete equality. Nobody goes to the bathroom.”
“He’s selling ad space on the newly minted twenties and petitioning corporations to fund a boob job for the Statue of Liberty so it looks more like First Trophy Melania.”
“Trump’s re-brainwashing Obama’s secret Muslim Army into peroxide patrols that hunt down immigrants and model bashers. Landlords will soon replace mayors and county execs while the banks take over the states. The plan’s called Trumpification.”
“After Putin moves into the United Nations headquarters from where he will run the United States and Europe, he will direct the Trump and Judy Show at Rockefeller Center which promises to be the biggest hit since Howdy Doody.”
“Second Amendment protections will be extended to armored vehicles, tanks and nuclear weapons. Nukes will require a background check with waits as long as two hours depending on the credit agency.”
“Many of the heads of state and other foreign dignitaries who attended the inaugeration complained that Trump greeted them only with a handshake instead of the crotch grab he gives to those he really likes.”
“Trump has already referred to America’s children as our most precious resource and now he’s moving to nationalize the wombs and vaginas of our citizens through a repeal of Roe vs Wade.”
“Trump said the best way to curb corruption is to raise the price to where only those who already own the whole world can afford it.”
Don Arrup