Released emails coinciding with a last minute announcement by Donald Trump Jr. that he had contact with a nefarious Russian lawyer offering dirt on Hillary Clinton have re-sparked the Russian collusion controversy.
Satire1 has returned to Loch Raven Boulevard and Belvedere Avenue in Baltimore, Md. to question the citizenry on the topic.
Mother of Two
“I don’t see what relation Donald Trump Jr. has to the President except by birth. I get dirt on my sister’s husband- hell, he’s hit on me more times than I can remember- I only gave in twice- and I never share it with her. She wouldn’t want to hear it anyway.”
Guy with pants
“The Russians had dirt on a Clinton? Stop the presses! You can’t swing a dead cat over a chicken farm and not hit a milkmaid who hasn’t been molested by Bill and then threatened by Hill.”
College Student with no date
“Income inequality comes from information inequality. It’s like insider trading. How come the rich get all the great gossip?”
Woman with brown eyes and red mouth
“Why would Putin mess with us now? We couldn’t have steered ourselves straighter to hell than the way we’ve been going for a generation now.”
White Minority Guy
“Americans used to hate blacks but then the blacks became Americans too and there just wasn’t enough violence to maintain a status quo and there still isn’t.”
Child of Two
“Trump has Stalin’s haircut. You can tell a lot about a person by how they comb their hair.”
Unemployed Blacksmith
“Hey, Junior’s invited to a rendezvous with a Russian woman and it’s all James Bond and Bourne Identity so he brings his whole frat house with him?”
Ninth Grader in Spiderman shirt
“You have to go to law school to be a prostitute in Russia. Just like most of our politicians here.”
Don Arrup