The Wall. Again. Wall of words and images on both sides.
Wildfire. Worst ever. Let’s hope it stays the record.
How do you judge a judge? In 2018- still party lines.
Every donkey in the barn wants to take on the jackass in 2020.
Forty two thousand workers could receive a pay freeze if they ever get paid.
Peace with North Korea! Whatever that means.
Amazon eats Whole Foods and North America.
Naked need at the border and caravans- whose fault? See The Wall.
Trade War! Amazon vs Ali Baba. They’ll both win. We’ll all lose.
Britain can’t get out of Merkel’s pants. Merkel can’t crawl out of Europe’s ass.
It’s spelled Brexit. It’s pronounced Fuck it.
The Queen of Respect gets last and the Maverick joined her in August.
Saudis turn critic into lunch meat. Trump offers mustard.
Mama Pelosi takes over the House again answering the call for new leadership.
Think 2019 will be any better?
It almost has to be.
Don Arrup