Sunday, March 29, 2020

20 Second Handjob

Is there anything else in the news?

I live in New York City
Like a worm in the Apple
Isolated, alone
Digging through my day
Each night darker than before

How about a war?
Countries aren’t getting along somewhere
Or a good old terrorist attack?
You can never find a mass murderer
When you need to distract

You can get a seat on the subway
Only there’s nowhere to go
Except the end of the line
So set them up, Joe
Only the bars are closed

Sitcom reruns
Books I’ve already read twice
Porn that no longer inspires me
Neighbors given up on nice
Passing strangers colder than ice

Outside the grocery store
It’s a Lewis Carrol story
Stand on the yellow line
Six feet from purgatory
The Red Queen beckons

We’re just pawns in the Pandemic
Hosts to the newest pathogen
Coughing, sweating, fretting
Starting not to breath
Good nurse, ventilator please

Bitch while you scrub
Your workless infected mitts
Death’s bony digits
Will collect all your chits
And no mask can hide you

Don Arrup

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Satire1 takes to the quiet streets of Manhattan on this uncelebrated Saint Patrick’s Day to interview (at a distance of six feet) New Yorkers and now rare tourists on how COVID19 or the Corona Virus is affecting their life.

Woman in a big hat
“I’m wearing a big hat because I’m afraid to get my hair done. I don’t even know if they’re open. My husband uses sex to burn off anxiety and, well, it works.”

Man with a big nose
“I can smell the fear coming out of every building. I can’t smell the virus but your sweat and whatever you let go of in your pants when somebody nearby coughs is plain enough.”

“There used to be nothing better than a midweek St. Pat’s and New Year’s Eve. Well, this Cobitch19 has done a better job than Carrie Nation at closing us all down.”

Teenage girl wearing lipstick
“Of course we spent the day together. We were on a date. And duh, we held hands and other second date stuff. And now all the adults are telling me he exposed me? If he ever had his thing out I can tell you I didn’t see it. Gross.”

Boy on his bike
“I love snow holidays but I wouldn’t call this a plague holiday. It’s all homework and no friends and even when I’m off everything is closed. And I can’t visit my grandma. My teacher told us we could be carrying the crown and even though it doesn’t bother us it can really harm and even kill grandma. Even if it’s only one grandma in twenty that would still be somebody in my class losing their grandma. And a grandpa.”

Safe Saint Patrick’s Day

Don Arrup

Friday, March 13, 2020

Now That Elizabeth Warren Is Out Of The Race

Got in a spank taxi
Bone barreling to Serendipity
With my couple friends Anxious and Guilty
To a building darker than a grave

It’s all the rave to see what you’re eating
Vegetables soaked in oil golden
Tomatoes fired out of cannons
But the meat is all carrion 
Warmed only by recently lost life
Blood black in the dim fingers of light
Streaming down the chins of parallelograms

Preposterous pig Plutocrats
Who’ve eaten up the country
And deliver our meals on tin plates and drones
Sell us tomes and their TV
For our life’s story
Which they use to enslave us more

Children sign contracts for a popsicle
Their independence gone before themselves they own 
Financial freedom the myth of raisin bread and virtual circuses
Wall Street now just the Vegas Strip East
Home ownership a booby trap
College debt an albatross
As our souls evaporate into liquidity

Burn Bernie Burn
The impurity out of the Demagogic Party
To take on the Red State Reactionaries
And their Custer locked bully
Bide your time Biden
Let the others tweet and shout
Put the mock back into democracy
While passions burn out

Liz wasn’t too brainy
But Harvard didn’t help
And it wasn’t her genitalia
That doomed her
In the land of empty calories and morbid obesity
She’s so skinny she makes us feel guilty

And now that she’s gone the world is ending
And all we can do is wash our hands for twenty seconds

Don Arrup