Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Post Finals Exam

For all those brave scholars who have actually tried to learn something and now have to prove that they learned enough Satire1 asked a group of educators and councilors to devise an exam to see what is left of students’ brains after examinations.

1) What is your name?
First asked in Cheech and Chong’s Let’s Make A Drug Deal it is still the most basic test of total brain burnout. No looking at your ID or cell phone. Pet names or nick not acceptable.

2) What is your gender?
If you know your name you should have a clue but if you can’t recall how you spell it hope that it isn’t Teri/Terry or another vague handle. No looking or feeling down your pants. Good luck.

3) What did you study?
If you take the Post Finals Exam within 36 hours of your last academic examination you will probably gets this one correct. After that most students draw a complete blank for the rest of the week.

4) What did you learn?

Don Arrup

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