Cell Phones on Airline Flights
"We're going down. We're going down. There is nothing under this plane but air!"
Forty Hours is Full Time?
You're either on salary/commission and working 60 or working under 33. Four Senators claim the 30 hour definition for ObamaCare would cut workers hours. What planet do they work on? Forty hours is standard for government workers (disappearing and covered already) and factory jobs (gone).
JFK Conspiracy Theories
It's been fifty years. Yeah, we can probably figure it out now.
Senate Votes To End Filibuster
Senators will have to get their Dr. Seuss on their own time. The Cat In The Hat will come back. You heard it here first.
Iranian Nuke Clock Strikes Zero
Invest in marshmallows.
Food Stamps Cut, Farm Subsidies Untouched
Seventy per cent of farm subsidies go to huge corporate farms growing Frankengrains. Ronald McDonald will not go hungry.
Vatican Modernizes Official Church Language
Pedophile priests only allowed to use pig latin.
ObamaCare Website
Don Arrup