Friday, July 11, 2014

Pied Piper

It may have been a different situation in Saxony a millennium ago. Maybe drug dealers weren't enslaving teenagers or gangs recruiting members and girlfriends at the end of a barrel. Maybe the Piper just got rid of the rats and didn't get paid.

But everybody pays.

Obama passes the Dream Act by executive order. He must have been dreaming thinking that anything could be done about immigration without at least half the country waking up. But holding children responsible for the sins of their parents is un-American (only God and Stalin do that) so even a three pack a day smoker could hold his breath until Congress took another recess. Wave bye bye from the White Porch and sign a bill that didn't have snowball's chance on Lady GaGa's lap in the House of Representatives.

And the New Children's Crusade shows up at our southern border. 

Guess they can't read the No Admittance signs. Or can but like all the adults that have been pouring over they don't care. Permiso is the new ad campaign of the coyotes and it is music to the ears of boys and girls afraid of their own societies.

Republicans blame Obama's overriding their votes. Obama blames the House Republicans who talk action but are stifled by their Tea Party minority. So what do we get? The New Children's Crusade. So who benefits? 

The lying, raping, scumbag coyotes who get paid no matter what happens to their victim/fugitive/clients. No matter what we do about this latest crisis and subsequent border crises these coyote rats are never led away for long. They always come back.

So who's the real Pied Piper here? Is it the coyotes with their campaign of misinformation or the drug cartels and gangs making being young in Central American countries so dangerous or is it the Republicans who obstruct comprehensive policy or Obama who makes shortcuts seem the way to go?

I don't know how bad it will have to get before the country acts. Sure, we'll probably get it wrong. We've done nothing but get it wrong since Reagan declared amnesty and then didn't close the borders. But since we haven't taken charge the coyotes have. 

Don Arrup

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