Saturday, August 8, 2015

Trump Babel

After a dominant performance in the first Republican Presidential Debate, Donald Trump announced that he has completed a 204 story tower on the site of the original Tower of Babel in Babel, New Jersey where the human race first began to use spoken language.

“This will be- really- the first true World Trade and Terror Center in the world,” Trump said. “Over a hundred and fifty two suites are already rented taking up over half the floors. We have the World Bank, Al Qaeda and the United Nations Forgotten Celebrity Fund on the first floor alone- along with a McDonald’s and a Kosher tattoo parlor.”

“You see, I have a master plan. Right now, I’m getting at least half of America united in their hatred of me. Once that hatred is cemented then I betray the half that follows me and in one campaign I’ll unite the country.”

“With Trump Babel, I’m getting the entire United Nations, multinational corporations, terrorist groups, international charities and retired Deadheads together under one roof and then I’ll mess with the air conditioning. DT scores another TD with TB.”

Don Arrup


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