South Carolina Republican Debate
For our first off the camera question we address all the candidates: What would you do as President of the United States to see that every tax paying American gets some reasonable amount of ass?
Jeb Bush
When I was Governor of Florida nookie was never a problem for Floridians. Half the country travels to our state just to take their pants off. We don’t build our churches on the beach and you can swing what you want on the greens.
Ted Cruz
I believe marriage is a sacred contract between a man and a woman and God. I believe that I was a master debater at Princeton because I was a masturbator. A minister guided masturbation program that respected the Second Amendment and placed no undo strain on Confederate widows or Canadian espionage.
Marco Rubio
They can make love so much cheaper in China that Americans can no longer expect to be employed as lovers. Our nookie is being outsourced to the Communists and Third World which by the way Cuba is both.
Donald Trump
I’d just like to say right now, I’ve fucked everyone on this stage.
Jed Bush
That’s outrageous.
Donald Trump
I thought you’d have a tight ass, Jeb.
Jeb Bush
You can’t just say anything you want without YouTube documentation.
Donald Trump
Humped up your piggyback on First Avenue, Hoboken surrounded by illegal aliens raping Muslims who were dancing to the fall of the WTC.
Jeb Bush
That never happened.
Donald Trump
The towers did come down. Not as fast as your trousers, I’ll admit, Jeb, but pretty fast. And with my other Florida boy-
Marco Rubio
It was just a blow job.
Donald Trump
That’s right, Ruby, just nod and agree in my lap for ten minutes.
Chris Christie
I’m tired of you treating me like a doughnut shop.
Donald Trump
The point, CC.
Chris Christie
I’m a jelly doughnut, okay?
Donald Trump
You’re a jelly roll.
Chris Christie
That’s a hairdo.
Donald Trump
That’s my hairdo.
Jeb Bush
Let Chris be a jelly roll.
Ted Cruz
Let my people roll!
Marco Rubio
Are they serving doughnuts?
Donald Trump
To the nuts with all the dough.
South Carolina Democratic Debate
During the longest commercial break late in the debate. Hillary Clinton and Barry Sanders are bumping back and forth between their podiums in a lip and hip lock. Director’s voice over the intercom: We’re back in 3 minutes. Hillary breaks free.
Hillary Clinton
You kiss better than Dick Cheney.
Martin O'Malley
This is supposed to be a threesome.
Hillary Clinton
Looks like just you and your hand, Maryland.
Barry Sanders
Sex is socialism at its essence. You can’t have private ownership of the means of reproduction.
Hillary Clinton
Come here, Gov. Just don’t screw like you’re running for Vice President.
Don Arrup