Friday, August 12, 2016

Joke's On Who?

A chorus of fellow politicians and seekers of power chimed in from across the globe and epochs of history to defend Donald Trump’s gaffe about Second Amendment fans dealing with Hillary Clinton.

Benjamin Netanyahu
“Was that Rabin the crowd was calling a traitor and a Nazi? I thought they meant the pizza guy.”

Vladimir Putin
“I don’t know from isotopes.”

Jefferson Davis
“I thought Johnny Booth was just acting.”

Maximilien Robespierre
“Can’t have a revolution without dropping a few heads.”

Pontius Pilate 
“Nobody was more surprised than me when they chose to let Barabbas go.”

Marcus Brutus
“We were just going to show Caesar the knives, you know, to scare him.”

“You know how brothers are.”

Don Arrup

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