Sunday, April 28, 2019

Homeland Security Warns No Shortage of April Fools

Millionaire Socialist Senator Barry Sanders leads the fat cat Democratic Party pack in campaign fund raising while newest Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez trades what with political aristocrat Speaker Pelosi for seats on key committees. This, after Alex OC whipped Nancy’s Caucus Chair Joe Crow and Pelosi declared it only a local phenom.

ISIS claims responsibility for U.S. opioid crisis and death of fan favorites on Game of Bones while the Trump organization signs mega deal with ISIS to build its caliphate capitol in Detroit. 

Comedian now elected President of Ukraine What’s His Name Who Cares wants to know what’s the big deal with his former profession when elections across the globe are all considered jokes.

New York City first added paper bags to the new state law that bans free plastic bags with purchases but finally declined adding condoms to the list. “You can fill a magnum with three pounds of beans or a gallon of milk,” said Mayor de Blasio. “Many brands including Trojan are dishwasher safe and could finally hold something women want.” 

Ivanka Trump is the latest candidate to announce her run for the Democratic Presidential Nomination declaring that Joe Biden isn’t a real blond.

Porky Pig sited the African Swine Fever that has swept China and could infect American livestock as his main focus in his campaign for the Democratic Presidential Nomination. That and the fact that Ivanka Trump isn’t a real anything.

Don Arrup

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