Saturday, August 29, 2020

Church Work School Riot

Wrapping up the first night of the Republican National Convention, Donald Trump Beard Jr. summed up his comparison between the Disneyland the Republicans would deliver and the Democratic disastermare we will surely suffer under Joseph Stalin Biden with a now viral phrase: A choice between church, work and school and riot, looting and vandalism. 

Satire1, suspecting controversy, took to the corner of Elbow and Riverside in Manhattan’s Upper West Side to sample the public’s take:


“What’s the difference between school and vandalism? Adults are stealing our childhood just to get us out of their house long enough to come back with money and take care of them.”

Big Hat

“Anyone who thinks there’s a difference between church and a riot ain’t been to my church Sunday morning.”

New Suit

“If the school is college or a private school in a large metropolitan area the tuition may not technically be vandalism but it’s definitely highway robbery.”

High Heels

“In most large companies, workers are having their healthcare whittled down to funeral expenses while the fat cats play stock buybacks and boards votes themselves raises. So what’s this difference between work and looting again?”

Don Arrup


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