Saturday, June 26, 2010

BP Finally Plugs CEO's Hole

After weeks of baffling statements, gaffs and unintended insults the experts at British Petroleum have finally managed to shut the mouth of the oil giant’s CEO Tony Hayward but the public relations disaster following the environmental disaster is likely to continue for decades to come.

The “very very modest” ecological impact Hayward predicted had to be based on his Fantasy Island estimates of the extent of the spill. And while midgets and dwarfs throughout the Gulf States appreciated being remembered by the executive the common folk of the region reacted sharply to his use of the term “little people.”

“I think he had the Gulf mixed up with Ireland and was referring to the Wee People or Leprechauns who often bury their pots of gold by the coasts,” said Mantrix Haben, one of the public relations execs credited with plugging Hayward’s hole. “And his statement about holding yacht races on the Gulf because the slick would make for a faster run was not well thought out.”

Vice President Joe Biden sympathized with Hayward. “No one quotes the brilliant things you say but one slip up can spread faster and stick longer than the oil slick in the Gulf.”

Don Arrup

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