Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Marxist Monarchy

Kim Jong-il, the Asian Elvis of tyrants, is apparently anointing his son Kim Jong-un as his successor making for the third in the line of the North Korean Communist Kings beginning with Grandpa Kim Il-sung who single handedly expelled the Imperial Japanese from Korea last century.

Young –un was inducted into the military with only four stars to weigh his broad shoulders but is expected to rise quickly in the ranks. When his ill father –il dies the entire military and country of rock and starving subjects will be his.

Little is known about young –un. No photographs of him had been released since his school days when he entered kindergarten as a professor emeritus but it is hoped he will continue his father’s humble proletarian ways of abducting foreign actresses and extorting neighboring countries with nuclear missiles.

Since we Americans are responsible for every ill in the land of –il we maintain a sizable force on North Korea’s southern border to give their oversized military something to do besides terrorizing their civilians. Their only ally, the People’s Republic of China, keeps an even larger force on the Kingdom’s northern border in case North Koreans decide it might be better to go somewhere where there is food.

In the fairytale Kingdom of il un sung
Where the slaves are happy and the king’s really hung
A paradise for workers in the land of the free
They sell nuclear missiles and technology
To terrorists and Iranians to kill you and me

Good luck to young –il on his coronation
To complete his country’s fornication

If you were born here don’t bitch

Don Arrup

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