Friday, May 27, 2016

New Faces of 2016

The usual hack pols on last Sunday’s yak shows:

“Everyone trusts Hilary Clinton but Hillary isn’t a woman. He’s not even really a Clinton either since gay marriage wasn’t legal anywhere in the seventies and that’s not his real hair but everything else is authentic.”

“No, that’s not Trump’s real hair. He’s a celebrity. He’s New York. Multicultural all ethnic pan German not old money but not too new either.”

“Billary will look out for women. He identifies with them. Since he doesn’t have a real gender he’s all genders and preferences. He’s Bernie Sanders with his hair combed if you think about it. I don’t know why young people don’t get that.”

“I don’t know how real Republicans can’t fully support Donald Trump. I mean, the man is undeniably rich.”

“If you are liberal, if you are progressive you will forget about Billary’s Wall Street ties, years on the board of directors of WalMart, transgressing women’s biological territory in giving birth and warmongering- if you’re a real liberal.”

“How can anyone say Trump is anti-woman? Trump is a woman. It’s Donna Trump. The hands gave all that away months ago. Besides, there are no genders anymore. Like John McCain told Rachel Maddow on her show, ‘We’re all lesbians now.’”

How can you say Trump isn’t conservative enough on social issues? He shot his cleaning lady with a Smith and Wesson when she was trying to give herself an abortion in his broom closet.”

“Clinton listens to Punk and Christian Rock.”

“Trump doesn’t listen to music or anything else that competes with the sound of his own voice.”

“I know I said Trump is a charlatan, a misogynist and a shoe salesman but now he’s proven that he is wealthy enough to be forgiven all that.”

Don Arrup

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