Thursday, February 14, 2019

V Day 19

Redheaded and bodied Cupid was detained at the border between Mexico in your mind and the kitchens of Trump Isolationist International.

Don’t bring your love. Don’t bring your drugs. Don’t bring your kids. Don’t bring your needs.

Bring your disease.

There was no safety net when my grandparents blew in with the snow. They didn’t have the luxury of being piled into a ship. They swam here from Europe. My mother’s paternal grandfather walked here from Russia. Never even stopped to take a piss. 

I was in love when I was young. I was in love with being young. And if you were young and pretty or young and charming or young and easy I might have fallen in love with you. I didn’t seem to have a say in the matter. Or I did but it came from such a deep place I couldn’t hear it. I just did it. Guys.

I think the government should close down and stay closed until every taxpayer gets some reasonably good head and or laid. If it is spring, every college student should crack their coconut at least twice before taking final exams. If they dropped out and are living at home they should join a midnight masturbation chat room. Paws without Laws would be one example.

Amazon’s Jeff Bezos is just the beginning. I think all billionaires who want to seize an entire part of the city and kill off all the used book stores should show their pecker. Let’s vote on it. A show of small hands.

Lonely people will probably have to buy chocolate for themselves. But that’s okay. Chocolate is both bitter and sweet. Like love. Like loneliness. Like life.

You’re cheating on me with your phone. You are absolutely, completely, undeniably fucking your phone. It is always hovering around your lips. It vibrates in your jeans. You’re fingering him- iHim- all the time. Stop it!

Yeah, that’ll happen.

Happy Valentine’s Day and IV and MK 2 LA late J Bon Chance! If the term sweetheart did not exist the poets would coin it for you

Don Arrup

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