Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Obama Appoints Three Little Pigs To Head Housing

The first little pig will head Fannie Mae. The second little pig Freddie Mac. The third little pig will be the new Foreclosure Czar. What happened to the one who ate roast beef? President Obama corrected.

“Do not mistake these industrious swine who fulfilled the American dream only to see two of their dreams blown away by the big bad bank with toes masquerading as consumers. I hired the three little pigs. They are not related to nor have ever had any business dealings with the little piggies. My three little pigs don’t even have piggies. And what especially bothers me about these little piggies is the message these toes are teaching our children.”

“Now, the first “little piggy” is the big toe and I think it should be called the big piggy but we can have a debate about that and probably should. So the big little piggy goes to the market. That’s what we all need to do today. Right now we’re like the second little piggy who has lost confidence in America and our economy and is intensifying the recession by staying home. Maybe the second little piggy has lost his job or is afraid of losing his job and we’re going to try to do something about that. The third little piggy has roast beef but how much can he enjoy that roast beef when right next door the fourth little piggy has none? Maybe the big little piggy can pick him up some when he goes to the market but his retirement account has shrunk and his home’s value is down and I’m about to tax him right out of his shoe. Which brings us to the fifth little piggy who goes Wee Wee Wee all the way home. I’d like to appoint him budget director.”

Don Arrup

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