Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ghosts Of Wealthy Families Riot Over Estate Tax

Senator Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas and ten other democratic senators joined republican ranks voting to slash the so called “Death Tax” or estate tax that affects over one percent of population. “The children of multimillionaires are already suffering unspeakable deprivations as their grossly overcompensated jobs disappear here at home and their tax havens abroad open their books,” said Sen. Lincoln. “My Ouija board is rattling off the table with messages from deceased contributors demanding action.”

The current estate tax of forty five percent on the amount that exceeds 3.5 million for individuals and 7 million for couples might be cut to thirty five percent on the inheritance that exceeds 5 and 10 million. “Most of these children already had to endure growing up in affluence. Now they’re being asked to get by on just a couple of million bucks of unearned income.” Lincoln continued. “Family farms like Consolidated Foods and Mom and Pop stores like Wal-Mart might have to break up in order to pay the tax. Concerns that provide good jobs to their top management while only slightly exploiting their workers.”

Other democratic senators admitted to being haunted by the ghosts of their state’s wealthiest families. “I’ve got ghosts from my state waking me at night saying that inflation in Purgatory is eating up their life’s savings and even the prices in Hell have gone up,” said Senator X, another defection for the Democrats. “ In Hell, everyday is April 15th.”

Happy Tax Day

Don Arrup

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