Saturday, October 24, 2009

Public Option

Satire1 had the chance to interview Senators from across the country while in Washington on the public option or the federal government’s alternative health care coverage that is to compete with private insurance companies and HMOs.

“I’m for the public option as long as it drops people as soon as they get sick. Otherwise its just not a level playing field.”

“I’m against the proposed public option. Even the federal government can only reach a certain level of inefficiency. People could get the care they need and swell even further our exploding Social Security rolls.”

“I don’t believe in offering the people a choice. I mean, this is America. What your boss chooses for you and your family is fine by me.”

“If the people want good health care coverage then run and win a Senate seat like I did. If you’re a convicted felon then stay in prison.”

“We have a public option for health care now. Its called join the Army.”

“AIG can be the public option. The public already owns it. Let the people rip themselves off.”

“This doesn’t have to anything to do with credit default swaps, does it?”

“I’m all for the public option. The government should offer it to anyone who buys one of our cars.”

“I say draft all the doctors and nurses who aren’t nuns.”

“Why are we messing with the only industry in the country that’s still making a buck?”

“Of course doctor owned hospitals cost Medicare three times as much per patient. Why would anybody go to medical school if not to make money?”

Don Arrup

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