Friday, October 30, 2009

Option Optional

Again Satire1 goes to the United States Senate to inquire how the so-called Public Option or the federal government’s alternative choice to private health insurance is coming along in the new health care reform bill.

“Well, as I see it, the Senate has three options. They can opt for the Public Option for all Americans, opt for the states to decide if they want to offer the option or offer no Public Option at all. I think we should opt to allow states the option whether to offer a public option but if it costs money I’m against it.”

“These bills are so complex and I have three bills in front of the Finance Committee. Thank god the lobbyists have already made up their minds.”

“Whatever the American people have been scared into believing will at the end of the day prevail.”

“I can’t bail out the big insurance companies again and face my electorate. So let the companies soak the taxpayers directly then taxes won’t seem so bad.”

Don Arrup

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