Saturday, November 14, 2009

Afghan Corruption A Bargain By Wahsington Standards

Administration officials admitted yesterday that efforts to control corruption in the Afghan government of President Hamid Karzai have failed but noted that Kabul still remains a bargain when compared to Washington.

“In Washington the banking and financial industry have to spend $8000 per congressman to continue to rob the country. In Afghanistan you can own a legislator for a tenth of that.”

Obama defended President Karzai’s policies. “What our critics are calling corruption I call revenue. We can’t stop their drug trade but the bribes at least act as a tax on Afghanistan’s only thriving industry besides death. If you want to attract quality people to their government service then you do what Wall Street does to hold on to the best and the brightest. You let them steal.”

“When Halliburton and the other thieves go into a village the wash of your tax dollars acts as a economic stimulus. The American people have to accept that the only functioning economy Afghanistan has is drugs, mercenaries, terrorism and rugs. Rampant corruption assures that not all of the aid we send will end up in Karzai’s pocket as he jets out of the country the moment we pull our support and his shamocracy collapses.”

Don Arrup

1 comment:

Laughing Monkey said...

Okay, I feel better now! I initially felt ripped off, but now I see that we're getting value for our corruption dollar.