Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hitler's Ghost Backs Burning Korans

Mediums across the globe confirmed that the ghost of Adolph Hitler, former Fuehrer of the Third Reich, had contacted them daily with updates on his full support for burning copies of the Koran.

“The people learn more by burning books than by reading them,” the ghost was quoted as booing. “That includes my bestseller Mein Kamf.”

Last week Hitler turned to displaying press releases on broken and unplugged computers in press rooms worldwide after complaining that he had been misquoted by the Gypsy mediums he tried to annihilate during the Second World War.

“Any religion that places God’s Will above mine is a Jewish conspiracy,” Hitler typed. “Any religion that professes the territorial rights of a non Aryan race to any land, sea or air in the solar system is Jewish propaganda.”

Fox News is pursuing a deal to interview the floating head of Adolph Hitler on Friday’s newscast but so far there has been disagreement over payment.

“I have never been interested in wealth at anytime in my life or death,” wrote Hitler. “All I have ever been interested in is in having the power of life and death over every living creature on this planet. And I almost had it. ”

The ghost of Hitler has been holding out for the Island of Manhattan whereas Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox, only owns some of the southern and midwestern states.

Hitler delivered a short message in a conference call to the world press Tuesday.

“If you don’t like what it says burn it. If you don’t like who reads it burn them.”

Don Arrup

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