Congressman Jack Kingston of Georgia, who is running for the Senate in 2014, proposed having children receiving the federal school lunch program clean the floors of the school in order to learn that there is no free lunch. Echoing an idea floated by Newt Gingrich in 2011 that in failing schools in poor neighborhoods they should fire the union janitors and have the kids clean the school.
Now if that is a good idea why not extend it to nursing homes where Social Security recipients who have long exhausted their contribution to the fund could be detailed to rebuilding the nation's crumbling highways and bridges. Call it the Seniors Civilian Conservation Corps (SCCC). They're just sitting around doing nothing and daytime TV sucks so we'd actually be doing them a favor.
We really appreciate what you did in World War Two, grandpa, but no free lunch for you.
The homeless could be drafted and shelters easily be reconfigured into barracks so that the destitute could become Obama's Works Progress Administration Army (OWPAA) on the FDR model building new homes for people who have their lives together.
Sorry you're hungry, Little Match Girl, but the lunch isn't free here.
For all of you who always knew that the Tea Party activists were really just closet New Dealers in denial we must in fairness to Rep. Kingston point out that he opened his proposal with charging a nickel or dime for the lunch. His aim to banish the myth that there is no free lunch can be explained by any child of someone making a Congressman's salary. He didn't mention banishing the myth that the wealthiest country in the history of mankind which grows one quarter of the world's food cares enough about its children to see that they receive at least ten balanced meals a week. He didn't have to.
Don Arrup
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