Friday, September 30, 2016

I Don't Want Your Fat Vote

Former Miss Universe undatable according to Donald. Hillary puts her opponent’s supporters on the pillory. I don’t want their deplorable vote. Don’t sully my sanitary napkin campaign and presidency. I want Bernie’s votes. I want Obama’s.


Following this election is like being spanked with a fish. The only reason Donald still has supporters is that he hasn’t had enough time to get to them with his insults. Hillary has support because lies take time to be discovered. 

Neither is as bad as their opponents make them out to be. Almost no one in the history of the species is as bad as their opponents make these two out to be. One is a friend of Putin. The other a friend of Pelosi. Tough call.

Trump and Clinton seem like such buffoons because they are the fun house mirrors of us. Trump’s angry. We’re angry. Clinton feels encroached upon. So do we. They tell us what we want to hear. We tell ourselves what we want to hear. Wall Street is the problem and half of us own stocks. Trade has destroyed us and we stand in line at Walmart. The government has taken us over so where’s my mother’s Social Security check?

In guns we trust. In green we trust. (Money green not sustainable environment. When is global warming going to reach my nuts?) In big houses, big cars, big wallets and breasts.

Hang in there. We’re still America. We’re just not in the pageant this year.

Don Arrup

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