Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hot Night Blues

Yesterday it was fun being an American
Yesterday I was free
And there were fireworks
We watched them on TV

The grill was hot
The beer was cold
Kids marched around
Sparklers and ka-boom

I was a free American yesterday
Today I’m just an American
And I don’t feel so free
Is it just me?
Or is it most of the country?

I hope it’s just me

Half the country hates the president
The other half hates the one before
That’s nothing new for us
The U.S. doesn’t stand for us
Nobody believes there is an us
In the US

Everybody talks about them
And you have to listen a while
To know which them they mean


Nothing new for the US or us
Founding Fathers spread rumors
Shot each other
Hated each other to their graves
Only Adams and Jefferson made up
Then died on the same Independence Day

Don Arrup

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