Saturday, September 15, 2012

Say It Ain't So, Mo

The riots in Libya and Egypt over trailers of the video Innocence of Muslims that have rocked the Middle East and cost American lives have been found to be over the low budget quality of the video rather than the portrayal of the big Mo as gay, perverse and murderous.

"If you are going to insult the entire Muslim world put some money into it. The black screen desert looks like I Dream of Jeanni without Barbra Eden."

"If Tom Hanks played the Prophet Muslims would be out of the streets and packed into the movie houses to see this. Why couldn't they at least get a washed up TV star like one of the two guys from Friends who never works anymore?"

"I haven't seen the trailer. I just like to kill Americans and I'm not spending my vacation in Afghanistan."

"I haven't seen the trailer either but I was just really missing the chaos and violence of the uprising."

"Here in Cairo, if the Israelis or Americans don't throw us a bone once in a while the people calm down and the Muslim Brotherhood and army strangle us in our sleep."

"If the movie praised Allah and portrayed the prophet Mohammed in the most glorious light it would be much worse. The production values were worse than shit. Shit would have to shit to make this shit."

"I lived in New York America for two years when I was attending Columbia University Ivy League and I can tell you-somebody made this on their daughter's credit card. Some angry unattractive man with an exceptionally small penis who aspires to great power and influence bought the costumes at a Halloween store."

"They are Halloween store Jewish costumes of Moses, Mary and Joseph. Muslims who saw the trailer suspected it immediately and looked them up on the internet. Historical inauthenticity in movies will not be tolerated."

"Hitler Nazi was right. Hollywood is the propaganda machine of the International Brotherhood of Zion and these sub-Indy production values oppress and enslave Muslims in a  unglamorous light."

"Nobody cares about that YouTube crap. This is about the major networks not picking up any sitcoms about American Muslims for the Fall lineup again."

Don Arrup

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