Sunday, September 23, 2012

Wealthy Hop Victim Bandwagon

As Candidate Romney zig zags the nation with his zig zag explanation of a speech he gave at a $50,000 a plate fundraising dinner in Boca Rotan many of their fellow billionaires across the nation feel outraged that Romney omitted their victimization.

"I paid a hundred and fifty grand to sit in a monkey suit between my wife and her sister while trying to saw a rubber chicken and listen to a game show host tell us what we already know. The cake was drier than a slob's sponge and the coffee tasted like petroleum. Now, I don't know what your idea of a victim is but let me suggest that there is no sucker worse than a rich sucker."

"I didn't care about the "donation." I just wanted him to get up there and swear he wasn't Obama. And he didn't do that."

"I made my fortune and bought my state and now I'm paying top dollar for legislators who wouldn't even make good party clowns."

"The unemployed are free from income tax. The homeless don't pay property tax. What are these people complaining about?"

Don Arrup

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