Thursday, October 25, 2012

Debate Report Card


Mitt always comes prepared and on time to debate but some of his ideas and statistics are from the Reagan Era. 
Barack was only physically present for the first debate and was continuously trying to sell the New Deal as something new.

Follows Debate Rules:
Mitt often acted like he was the sole speaker during the first debate but to be fair he pretty much was. Could have shown more effort in the third debate.
Barrack seemed overly aggressive and condescending in the third debate but I attribute this to his hanging out with the older Biden boy.

Answers Questions Asked:
Mitt and Barrack both acted like high school ego maniacs on a date. They ignored the moderators and crowed their accomplishments pausing only to put each other down.

Stated Positions Clearly:
If they just made elephant and donkey sounds it would have been clearer.

Offered Relevant Examples:
Both ignored the subjects to be discussed and timed their scripted sob stories and uplifting anecdotes with the precision of commercial breaks. All the stories sucked.

Willing To Be Specific:
Both offered the shadow of platitudes done in sign language in the back of a cave. Then barked stump speech soundbites for punctuation.

Served The American People:
It's always fun to watch rich and powerful men sweat.


Don Arrup

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