Monday, May 5, 2008

Obama attends Wrong Church

Senator Barack Obama having broken ties with long time pastor and evangelator Rev. Jeremiah Wright declared, “Wright is wrong so I’m attending Rev. Wrong’s church because he is right.”

Rev. Wrong’s Middle Kingdom Not Chinese Church of Somebody Saved Some of Us in Chicago also has some controversial positions and its own Liberation Theology. Dr, Wrong’s SSSU Church holds that—

--Black Muslims created the HIV virus at Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland in 1974 to kill drug addicts, gays, milkmen and barbers. The master plan proved only a partial success; there are no more milkmen.

--American Slavery was the result of a multi-generational conspiracy to get in on the New World. North Western African tribes paid the Arabs to sell them to the Dutch and Portuguese. Alex Haley and black scholars have known about this for years but fear the loss Affirmative Action.

--There are no surviving descendants of the chosen people of the Bible. Jesus was the last Jew. The Arabs are their closest relatives but they got their own guy. Still, there was a Holocaust and it took place in New Jersey.

--Ireland is not a country. Scotland is.

--No one ever migrated to America for economic opportunity or political and religious freedoms. Everyone comes here because they heard you could get laid.

--White people can dance- just not to music.

Don Arrup