Thursday, September 4, 2008

Palin Faked Daughter's Pregnancy, Now Daughter is Faking Hers


Palin Faked Daughter’s Pregnancy, Now Daughter is Faking Hers

McCain declined comment saying he didn’t know much about biology.

Fiorina Says Calling Palin a Mother is Sexist
“All we hear about is her executive experience as a mayor and a governor but do you have any idea what it takes to place in a beauty contest?”

Poll Shows 61% of Voters Won’t Vote for Ex-Con McCain
“To the North Vietnamese McCain was a terrorist.”

McCain Accused of Fathering Palin’s Grandchild
“I’m telling you it wasn’t me. It was some liberal community organizer.”

Palin Finally Declined Bridge to Nowhere but Thanks the American People for her New Sun Room
“It faces North by North West and that’s exactly where Putin will come for us.”

Palin Says US ABMs in Poland Will Protect Russia From Invasion from Mars
“Everyone knows that the Red Planet is Communist and aggressive. We had been sending them diplomatic feelers for decades but they’re just the North Korea of Space.”

McCain is Obama’s Father, Biden Sired Palin
This should break the partisan gridlock.

Palin Doesn’t Believe in Evolution
Understandable since there is no sign of it among Alaskans.

Palin Says Community Organizers Caused All of Country’s Woes
Understandable since community organizers in Alaska are referred to in the lower 48 as heads of lynch mobs.

Pairs Hilton Has Never Met Palin
Makes all the other rumors sound plausible.

Palin Denies Putting Lipstick on her Pit-bull
“I’m the bitch in my house, thank you.

Biden Has Offered No Opinion on Palin
Yeah, right.

Don Arrup