Friday, December 26, 2008

Dear Uncle Samta

Though I’ve been a good boy I’ve had a rough year. I need 15 billion dollars to fix my car. I fell behind in my mortgage 700 billion and I was supposed to help my brother out in New Orleans. I somehow got myself into two wars. One came at me and the other was just there. That was a while ago but you know how wars are, easy to start and hell to finish. I’m losing my job and healthcare coverage. I’ve got no public transportation, the gas station is half way around the world and everything in the supermarket is made of corn that’s made from petroleum. I should have gone green a long time ago but I thought I could handle the beard.

I’m frightened Uncle Samta. This is definitely beyond worry. Everything I was worried about happened only it was ten times worse than I thought it would be. And it’s not over. I don’t know if it will ever be.

I used to be a leader. Now I’m just the guy with the big car and the big dog who goes in other people’s yards. The stink is on me. It’s hard to see ahead when what’s right in front of me scares me. I need to take care of my family. Need to find my kids good schools and afford them some opportunity. The tropical rainforests might be disappearing but the jungle is thicker than ever. My wife and I wear different colors and can’t listen to the other’s radio. The only thing we have in common now besides the kids is the belief that the other is wrong.

I don’t even know what to ask for. I thought maybe more money but what’s the use of throwing paper into a firestorm? I’ll try to save some things but everyone will hate me before this is through and with good reason. This is my fault. If the buck could stop evaporating for a moment it would stop here. Still, my finger aches to point in every direction. I guess it is easier to be angry than to be scared so I guess I should go from there.

Dear Uncle Samta, bring me courage, compassion, tolerance, patience and vision. Remind me that I have been frightened before, broke before and still found the heart to tame bullies and help my neighbors in need. Hold me to my ideals in this time of crisis. Raise your expectations and harden your judgment as I move into this time of no easy.

Happy Holidays.

Don Arrup