Saturday, January 17, 2009

In Defense Of W

Since June 11, 2002 the United States has not suffered another new terrorist attack on its soil. However, Simon Cowell is still at liberty and on the air.

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have overshadowed Bush 43’s deft interplanetary diplomacy. Many foreign policy experts believe that if Al Gore had won in 2000 we would be at war with the Sun.

During his term White House interns have returned to blowing security guards.

In the last eight years the price of VHS tapes has fallen by more than half and vinyl records are practically free.

The United States has stopped acting like the meat of a Mexican/Canadian sandwich.

People have stopped blaming teachers unions for Hurricane Katrina.

Richard Nixon has become a sympathetic figure.

No one asks George Walker Bush why we didn’t go into Baghdad anymore.

No one cares about Vietnam.

Detroit is almost out of its misery.

Blowjobs aren’t such a big deal.

Don Arrup