Saturday, March 27, 2010

Make Census

Article 1 Section 2 of The Constitution of the United States calls for a enumeration of the populace every ten years in each of the States to determine the amount of Congresspersons to be elected to the House of Representatives. The data is only released in a statistical form while personal information of respondents is protected by regulation, law and the integrity of the Census Bureau employees. Personal information can be released 72 years after collection but until that time it can not be viewed by anyone outside the Bureau even the FBI and Immigration authorities. The statistical information is important in the distribution of Federal and State funds for infrastructure and services and to have any idea of just what the hell is actually going on with we the people on the most basic level.

Experience the truly rare moment of equality as you are acknowledged as a human being that dwells among us within the borders of these United States. Fill out and mail without charge your Census form and remember that you are Uncle Sam or Aunt Samantha. Stand up and be counted.

Don Arrup

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