Monday, November 19, 2012

Soldier Boy

She fell in love with a soldier
But ended up with a spy 
Both married, have kids
And in the public eye

No pictures of her husband
Who was also fed the lies
Spy's wife got a big job
And doubled in her size

Ten years, two wars
Is a long not fucking time

He didn't win the wars
But controlled the mess we made
Sparing lives and treasure
Why shouldn't he get laid?

The big chief seat was taken
Where does a hero go?
To their 24th home
To run the spook show

All the dangers in the world
Not enough to fill his glass
So he reached to Carolina
For some easy ass

But groupies have their rivals
And wars all of their own
Everything's on the internet
Including who you bone

So our nation's greatest strategist
And master of our spies
Couldn't even cover up
A rendezvous with thigh

Don Arrup

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