Thursday, October 30, 2008

Primary Of Horrors

A Halloween Treat From Satire1's Pre Blog Email List

Friday, March 9 2008

Last Monday Samantha Powers, a Harvard professor advising Barack Obama, told the Scotsman newspaper that Hillary Clinton was a "monster." Though the assessment came as no surprise we are disappointed that Ms. Powers declined to identify just what type of monster Mrs. Clinton is. Fortunately, Satire1 obtained an interview with Toaz Peetrie, professor of Gothic Biology at John Hopkins University and the world's leading expert on the genetics of supernatural species. We asked professor Peetrie to identify not only Hillary Clinton but also all of the recent candidates for the presidency. The following is his assessment verbatim.

Obama is the twenty-first century incarnation of Dracula or, rather, Blackula, feeding off the drippings of bleeding heart liberals. He is suave, exotic, international and hypnotic and have you checked out the widow's peak on his wife? Clinton had him dead to rights in the polls less than four months ago but since she didn't drive one through his heart all she can hope to do now is trick him out into the sunlight.

McCain is definitely the Mummy. The Vietnamese probably used black Taoist techniques and embalming methods to turn him into some sort of Hanoian candidate during his five-year imprisonment. Even Rush Limbaugh couldn't kill him. This is not a human conservative we're talking about. If elected, McCain will certainly last over a hundred years and probably still be president. He might even attempt to untangle us from Iraq at that time if that's what the Vietnamese want.

Romney is a shape shifter, a technique the Mormons might have secretly learned from Navajo Skinwalkers. Liberal yesterday, moderate today, promising to be a conservative after elected, this power should have made Romney all things to all people but he ended up being nothing to nobody.

Huckabee is the latest variation of the Frankenstein monster. When the social conservatives saw the Republican field they quickly dug up the remains of Ronald Reagan and Jerry Falwell to piece together the best governor they could. They would have been successful too had William F. Buckley not lived so long. They really could have used his brain.

And Hillary? Hillary was the toughest call and I consulted with other experts from around the world. At first the hair suggested werewolf but closer inspection concluded that she is the Sphinx. It was just so hard to tell with the pantsuits.

Don Arrup

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Polls Show McCain Still In The Polls

Recent questions from the most publicized polls

Which candidate are you currently supporting, Obama or the Democratic nominee?

Which candidate do you feel could best handle the economy, Obama or the Democratic nominee?

Which candidate do you feel is more likely to get us into another war, McCain or the Republican nominee?

Is Barack Obama black enough to play for the Harlem Globetrotters?

Is John McCain too old to play in the NFL?

Is Sarah Palin a woman?

Joe Biden?

If another terrorist attack devastated New York would it be more harmful to the country than Wall Street remaining intact?

If New Orleans is flooded by another hurricane who is the better swimmer, Obama or McCain?

If the Earth is attacked by bigheaded Martians with rude booties who is better qualified to negotiate with them, Obama or McCain?

Who do you think could negotiate a better trade deal with the insect world, Obama or McCain?

If China and India surpass us in technology and trade us into the Stone Age who could build the best fire, Obama or McCain?

If Russia invades Alaska and Hawaii who cares?

Which candidate most reminds you of Elvis Priestly?

Which candidate most reminds you of John McCain?

Just who the hell is Barack Obama?

When will this clown show be over?

Don Arrup

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Candidates Come Out Against Straight Marriage

Senators John McCain and Barack Obama have both declared their opposition to heterosexual marriage and have similar plans to end the socio-economic institution before the end of their first terms.

“All this talk about outlawing gay marriage and changing the Constitution is a subterfuge and conspiracy of the restaurant and florist lobbies,” said McCain. “They want a amendment to the Constitution to protect marriage because marriage is unconstitutional and totally foreign to the principals this country was founded on.” McCain told reporters that God, Jesus Christ and Grover Cleveland never married while everyone in the Bible or who had signed the Declaration of Independence who did marry died. “This institution is an unchristian cancer brought over by the basest elements from the Old World along with slavery and taxes to infect and subjugate a free people. We must not allow the American people to sacrifice their God given freedom to maintain the premise of sitcoms.”

Obama concurred at a separate press conference later that day. “This is another area, along with the sellout, where Senator McCain and I are in complete agreement. I taught Constitutional Law and I can assure you that nowhere in that precious document will you find the authority of the Federal government or the States to grant one citizen genital monopolization over another. And I think it’s vital for the American people to understand that it doesn’t matter if it’s mutual and reciprocal. It’s a sexual suicide pact coerced upon people in the most vulnerable psychological state of their adult lives. I’m referring to the hormonal rage known as infatuation.”

“People don’t rise into love. They fall into it,” McCain said. “Like they fall into debt or addiction. There is no being sort of in love or kind of maybe. That’s just the confusion that follows the wild, all consuming rage of those first few years of uncontrolled copulation. Listen to the songs. I knew Johnny Cash and I am telling you he was not lying. If you could have seen him, as I have, sing Ring of Fire, live. I was there and I saw what everyone who was there saw. Johnny went down down down and the flames got higher. And let me tell you my friends it burns burns burns that ring of fire. He was talking about love. The dangerous madness of love that can lead to marriage and he was married to June Carter, a country western star of her own right who was as built as her hair. I never forgot it.”

“Adam and Eve were not married,” said Obama, “and Eve had never even seen a wedding gown magazine. They were exclusive because there wasn’t anyone else around. They did the tour of Paradise. Everything looked great the first time. But soon they’d seen it all and there was nothing else to do but talk to a snake about a fruit they weren’t supposed to eat. They had seen what all the other animals were doing. The animals weren’t married. They were just relaxed. They didn’t need some taboo food to get on down. The forbidden fruit was marriage. The snake was Satan and Satan is married. God isn’t married. If there was a Mrs. God don’t you think she’d let us know?”

“I’m married. It’s right in my book, Something of my Fathers,” McCain said. “I married twice and the only reason my sanity survived is the five years I spent as a prisoner of war. Being a prisoner of war taught me how to survive being a prisoner of love. And men usually have the better part of the deal. I know I do. Cindy is almost possible. Now, Senator Obama and I have a lot of areas of disagreement but with the current crisis in interpersonal relationships on the edge of bringing down every household in the country its time to put aside partisanship and do what is necessary for the good of the country and outlaw marriage.”

“But what about the kids? Who’s going to take care of the kids?” Obama asked the crowd. “The same ones’ who are taking care of them right now is my answer. Nobody. Nobody is taking care of the kids after they’re two years old. No one ever did. We feed them and provide for them and if we pay constant attention to them we might slow them down a bit but there is no controlling them. Why? They’re not married. They’re still free. And most of all, and this is very important, they don’t have kids. Kids don’t have kids that’s why they can be kids.”

“I am not trying to shame you. I’m married. My parents were married. That is not what this is about,” said McCain. “All the studies have shown that once marriage infects a family it perpetuates itself for generations. Your parents weren’t bad people because they were married. I honor my parents and do not blame them for what they did or what happened to me. Twice. It’s the whole system. Marriage has corrupted every institution in this country and perverted our biology. Our churches pay their heating bills with the services. Its part of the clergy and organists’ income. Florists, caterers, tailors, printers, bartenders, photographers, hairdressers, waiters, bakers, limousine drivers, department stores and that’s just for the ceremony! This money could be better spent fixing our vital infrastructure and creating energy independence. Smoke fish not cigarettes. The Japanese live longer because they have lower corporate taxes.”

“This is the change I’ve been talking about,” said Obama. “Fiddling with the tax code or getting one more doctor to stick god knows what god knows where in you after you been waiting on an examination table in a smock for two hours is not the change we need. That’s just more of the same. The change I’m talking about and Senator McCain is talking about is breaking the last chain of slavery we as a society have allowed to bind us.”

“You won’t have to get a divorce, I promise you,” McCain continued. “No one will ever again have to get a divorce because we will simply abolish marriage and banish it from our shores. The marriage lawyers with their prenups and divorce lawyers and all these gothic courts we’ve set up will dissolve. They will have to leach off of someone else’s misery. And I know what you’re thinking. If we think we have an immigration problem now wait till the billions of husbands and wives start heading to our shores seeking asylum from their vows. Well, I’m going to be honest with you. It’s going to be a real problem especially if they come from countries that don’t recognize divorce. All it takes is one liberal judge to offer asylum to one abused wife or pussy whipped husband and the floodgates open. We have to make sure that doesn’t happen. We have to write it right into the legislation that we will use our influence and our foreign policy to end the plague of matrimony in all nations but this country cannot save the entire world from itself. The burden will fall heaviest on young people just like it does in war. They will have to say no to their families, their clergy and their leaders by saying no to each other. We can’t save people from themselves. We can’t save nations from themselves. But we can save ourselves and our neighbors.”

“I see the Statue of Liberty,” said Obama, “holding up a sign. An international sign with two stick figures joined surrounded by a red circle with a line crossing diagonally through the couple. Ladies and gentlemen, that could be a reality if we all just split up and go our individual ways. It really is that easy if we all work separately as a nation. Something we’ve become very good at in the last forty years. So tell your children, your parents, your spouse and most importantly tell yourself, just say no to marriage.”

Don Arrup

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Palin And Michelle Obama Dated Joe The Plumber

Neighbors and friends of Joe the Plumber confirmed rumors that the prospective Ohio businessman who spoke to Senator Obama and became a central topic of the last presidential debate had dated both Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin and Presidential candidate Barack Obama’s wife before they were married.

Confronted with the testimonies the plumber capitulated that he had always been a legman and never had a racial or political litmus test for those he dated. “I got around when I was younger and whether I was visiting Alaska or following my ball team to Chicago I always found that no matter where I went women have pipes,” said Joe. “I’m not sure how folks around here would know about my wider exploits since I’ve always been discrete about the bathrooms I’ve been in but I guess here and there I must have dropped a name to go with a Polaroid on my shop wall.”

Michelle Obama was reluctant to comment on the issue until a picture of her with Joe from 1987 where she was wearing a strapless purple dress was distributed on the Internet. “I do remember Joe. We met at a Big Boy’s on the south side. He showed up at a very special and vulnerable time in my life. He wasn’t like anyone I ever met in Chicago or Princeton. He had quite a wrench for a white boy and could tighten things I didn’t even know were loose.”

After hearing Ms. Obama’s comments Governor Palin decided to hold a press conference to address her relationship. “Of course I remember Joe. How could I forget him? He wasn’t just any old Joe. He was special and I’m sure he still is. We dated briefly since Joe was only in Anchorage for two nights. I tried to convince him to move to our fair state or at least come back after the thaw but Joe loved Ohio. Good ole Ohio Joe. He’s really the reason John and I are running for the Oval Office. To help people like Joe fulfill their dreams and clear our drains. You don’t happen to have his phone number? I’m in Ohio next week and Joe could really put some pump in my stump.”

The plumber was pleased after seeing the women’s responses. “It’s hard for me to recognize them with their clothes on but they both still look great,“ blow Joe. “There’s nothing number two about either of those ladies.”

The press asked Bob the Builder and Mr. Goodwrench if they might also share a past with either Governor Palin or Michelle Obama. “I don’t discuss the notches in my tool belt.” said Goodwrench. “Whatever I did with Paris, Britney, Oprah and Cher with my power tools is between us. No last names is my policy.”

“I’m gay,” said Bob the Builder, “but I sure wouldn’t mind erecting something with Barack and John is cute too in a Vietnam vet teddy bear sort of way.”

Don Arrup

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Candidates Each Pledge $20 To Help Banks

The candidates were cornered together at a hot dog stand outside the Belmont University’s debating hall and finally admitted to Satire1 how bad the financial crisis really is. “The sh*t has hit the fan and the fan is blowing it at other fans,” said Obama. While McCain wasn’t nearly as optimistic, “The sh*t has hit the fan and the fan is blowing it into jet engines.”

The McCain campaign has hit the crisis running with proposals to fix the country’s fiscal crisis.
First, in order to stop sending billions overseas to China and Saudi Arabia McCain proposes drilling tunnels to both countries so we can simply pour our hard earned bucks to the communists and terrorists. “Its more efficient and the taxpayers can visit the money holes with their children to show them where their future is going.”
Second, McCain believes government acquired houses should be auctioned on EBay so the same wolves we’ve bailed out don’t grab up peoples’ dreams at a bargain basement prices. “I’ll see to it that the American people don’t end up like the three little pigs this time.”
Third, McCain is drafting legislation to bust up Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac who he claimed in the debates spearheaded the sub-prime loan crisis. “I don’t even think they’re married.”

Obama, in response, acknowledges the economic situation has changed and pledges that if elected he will curtail Washington from going out to dinner as often. “And that includes a ban on take out for every government agency. All that business going to Chinese restaurants is adding to the trade imbalance. Pizza isn’t on the table as yet since we are trying to coordinate the rescue with the European Union but when it gets here I have first slice.”

The candidates are already arguing over where to waste the next 700 billion as both the war in Iraq and the Bailout/rescue just aren’t sexy anymore. McCain believes the billions would best be wasted on a war with Iran while Obama wants to rebuild New Orleans in the middle of the gulf. “We’re never going to be able to beat nature down there so I propose rebuilding the city as a series of arks much like Noah built. If a hurricane comes we’ll have the Navy on standby to tug the town to safer waters.”

Governor Palin criticized Obama’s plan on the stump, “I am offended that a Muslim homegrown community organizer is stealing ideas from our God.” Palin said that she was tempted as a governor to visit New Orleans after Katrina but feared the area couldn’t withstand another bitch. “This is what can happen to a city that embraces jazz in the midst of so much wonderful country western music.”

Senator Biden declined comment on Obama’s ark plan saying he had never actually seen Streetcar Named Desire but liked Marlon Brando in his other roles. “I don’t think the American people have anything to fear. With a democratic majority in both houses and the White House we’ll find someplace to waste the money.”

Don Arrup

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Who Bails Out Congress?

Reasons Lawmakers Changed Their Minds On the Rescue Bill

“The President gave me a cowboy hat.”

“I’ll vote against anything on Monday but if a bill doesn’t pass on Thursday it could cost me my weekend.”

“I thought all the Democrats would vote for it and leave me room to be righteous.”

“I forgot we’re in the majority now.”

“Finally, funds to research ponies as an alternative energy source.”

“I didn’t want everyone to think I was easy.”

“Speaker Pelosi explained to me how the thousands of calls and emails from constituents were really just directed to my office and not to me personally. And she was right, none of them asked me how I felt about the bill. They were just trying to use me to vote their view. Pelosi calls it Representative abuse.”

“The bill had grown to 450 pages and the leadership was threatening to make us read it.”

“I had the wrong underwear on for the first vote. Briefs never shrink right. Barney Frank fixed me up with some silk boxers and the country can breath free again.”

“This is a historic vote, second in importance only to my vote to authorize the President to invade Iraq, This bill will change fundamentally the relationship between the public and private sector for generations. I voted my conscience Monday and went home and my wife kicked my ass.”

Don Arrup